Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Standards Of Ethical Coding Essay - 821 Words

As mentioned in my discussion, Health Information Coding Supervisors are trusted individuals who have access to an organization’s highly confidential security system. A misrepresentation of this position can lead to significant consequences because of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Prophet, 2015). Criminal penalties imposed on individuals who knowingly and willfully attempt to execute a scheme to defraud any health care benefit program can be up to 10 years imprisonment and possibly life imprisonment depending on the circumstances. Civil monetary penalties can lead to $2000 to $10,000 for each fraudulent payment received. After imagining I was a coding supervisor, I will provide answers throughout the paper to the following questions: 1. What emphasis would you place on the Standards of Ethical Coding in your area? 2. Would you include the Standards of Ethical Coding in your policy and procedure manual? 3. Would you review the Standards of Ethical Coding on a regular basis and if yes, how often? 4. What disciplinary action would you take if you found that a coder violated the Standards of Ethical Coding? 5. Would the severity of the disciplinary action depend on which standard was violated? Why or why not? 6. How do imperfections in coding affect the budget preparation of health care organizations? 7. How might it also affect the contracts between professional billers and coders and health care organizations? HEALTHShow MoreRelatedThe Standards Of Ethical Coding1232 Words   |  5 PagesCoding is the medical field is regarded as being an important role in providing proper billing for healthcare services. Therefore, the level of responsibility for ethical coding practices is essential in maintaining the integrity of the healthcare organization that they work in. 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